What Goes Into A Responsive Website From Zachry?

You might think “responsive website” refers to your website responding to things like button-presses and other interactions. In this case, however, “responsive” means the way your website changes layout and functionality when it’s accessed on various systems like desktop computers or mobile devices.
A responsive website displayed on a desktop, laptop, and mobile device

The process doesn’t happen automatically, and it requires input from designers that specify how each piece of your site should look and behave based on the size of the screen it’s viewed on.  Here’s a brief overview of how Zachry builds a responsive website.

We Design With Mobile In Mind

Screens come in all sizes, but the odds are the majority of your users will be accessing your website on a mobile device.  This means Zachry’s designers will always consider your sites’ overall functionality on a mobile device before we start building any of the pieces.

We Start With The Basics

To ensure your site functions and looks good on both desktop and mobile devices, Zachry starts with fluid layouts that are easy to reposition. This doesn’t mean they are one-size-fits-all, though. This refers to using adaptable grids that we can size and reposition easily to accommodate your content based on how it needs to be presented.

We Consider Media Presentation

Even if your site has the best-looking video and images available, if they lack the necessary optimization they’ll hinder your site on certain devices. Zachry builds responsiveness into each piece of media to ensure the best display possible, no matter how your users are viewing your site. It also means we consider potential loading times of your images and video, since you never know how stable your users data connection will be.

We Specify The Breakpoints

The term “breakpoint” refers to the sizes of the screen at which your website changes to a different layout. While each device does have specific pixel dimensions, we can tweak our specified breakpoint dimensions to accommodate a range the works the best. In order to provide as much consistency as possible, Zachry uses specific code queries to denote when your site should reposition itself.

We Make The Interactive Elements Engaging

It’s not just your media content that needs to engage your user. Interactive content like buttons and forms need to also be easy to use across multiple devices, and what works on one screen may not work on another. For example, you may have a large contact form that works well on your site’s desktop view, but it’s not ideal for an on-page view on a mobile device. Zachry considers the usability of interactive elements like these, and will adapt the element’s presentation based on it’s overall end-goal.  

We Test Responsiveness At Each Stage Of Development

The responsiveness of your website can’t be an afterthought. It needs to be built into each piece, and Zachry tests each element of your site during development to ensure the functionality is consistent no matter what device it’s viewed on. Our process allows us to adapt our approach based on your content, and we test the results in a real-time environment to prevent any surprises upon launch.

A Responsive Website Means A Successful Web Experience

We want your web experience to succeed, and a large part of that success stems from ensuring that your website is usable no matter how it’s accessed. By choosing Zachry, you’ll be receiving an online presence that is consistent across multiple devices, and provides your users with an interactive, engaging experience.

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